Brillio Company

Brillio Experience

Brillio has been a very great experience for me as this was the company with CTC around 4.5 LPA.
I was very much excited to crack this offer. 

Online Assessment

I had given the online assessment where we have to sit anywhere and solve it. To complete that round 15 days where given. In those 15 days, there are two sections and we need to complete all 2 rounds compulsory.

  1. first-round consist of general aptitude, reasoning, charts, verbal.
  2. the second round was pure coding and 1 SQL question.
After the clearance of those rounds, they will select the top from each college and conduct the technical and HR rounds.

Technical Round

I had been called for the technical round before which we had been given the pre-placement talk by the company person showed some company-related presentation. Soon after that, the technical round started. there were around 4 panels and 100 students. so they divided the students around 25 each panel.

Each Student has about 45-50 mins of the technical interview where for me the person was the one who took the presentation in the preplacement talk. I was a bit nervous seeing him, but even confident because I had a backup option which is TCS company.
The technical round started on and the interviewer asked me to be comfortable. Started asking questions about my projects and final year project. Some related questions on that project to code. Some sorting programs to write. 1 SQL query the same which was there in the online assessment. Then he asked me which programming language I am comfortable in? rate my programming skills? and some basic programming questions like memory leakage etc.

After half an hour I got the result that I have cleared the technical round and selected for HR.

HR round

Once I have been to HR round I was pretty much confident to answer the questions that were thrown at me. The HR guy was nice. Some HR questions were like
  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. Your best friends and not so good friends and why?
  3. Your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Relocation?
  5. Some scenario was given about the company and related questions on that?
The result of the HR round came at night 8 o clock till everybody completes their interview, we were in college till that time and I still remember it was raining. When the results were announced I was shivering but I was pretty much confident that I will definitely get selected for the kind of the performance that I gave.
My name was on TOP and first to be called out that I was the first person to get selected for the company and it's like around 1 minute I could not able to believe.

I immediately told my parents, my sister, who always prayed for me to get selected in good company.
Then, at last, all the photo sessions begin with the company people, department, faculty. Altogether it was a good experience.

Below I will be sharing with you some stuff, related to Brillio just go through it.

link for the contest.


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